12th annual Faculty and Staff Research and Creativity Fall Forum

Take a peek into the research your Buffalo State colleagues and instructors are pursuing by visiting the 12th annual Faculty and Staff Research and Creativity Fall Forum, Thursday, October 27. You’ll have the opportunity to learn how music tempo affects buying decisions, what E. coli levels are like in the Scajaquada Creek, and why Chinese children have greater proficiency in math than their American counterparts. These are just a few of more than 135 fascinating topics featured in the forum that runs from 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in Houston Gym.
Approximately 168 faculty and staff will be on hand with poster presentations that showcase their creativity and represent their research. Students are especially encouraged to attend.
“You never know what you are going to see at the fall forum,” said Rita Zientek, associate dean of the School of the Professions and chair of the forum planning committee. “You get to see things you might not otherwise have access to or normally see. It’s a chance be inspired.”
Provost Dennis Ponton will give the opening remarks at 12:30 p.m., followed by a buffet lunch provided to all attendees. Gift baskets also will be raffled during the event.
The Research Foundation is sponsoring the forum, in conjunction with the Research and Creativity Council and the Academic Affairs Office. Its mission is to develop and encourage faculty and staff research and creativity endeavors and make grants more accessible, along with providing collaboration opportunities between departments.
“Faculty members have a chance to see what other people are doing and ask questions about collaborating with others,” said Ted Turkle, vice president and operations manager, SUNY Research Foundation/Buffalo State. “This cross-fertilization is the exciting part.”
When the fall forum began in 1999, it featured 57 participants with 27 presentations. Its growth represents the Research Foundation’s commitment to support research, scholarship, and creativity. Additionally, “faculty and staff have found the forums beneficial to demonstrate what they do and their interests,” Turkle said. “It’s another way to recognize faculty and staff on campus.”