2007 Peace Conference Draws International Scholars

Noted scholars and champions of peace will convene in Buffalo for the sixth annual Buffalo State College Conference for Peace, a month of free events and presentations, many of which occur Oct. 24 at the Performing Arts Center at Rockwell Hall, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
For 2007, the theme "Promote Peace, Reduce Poverty" has been selected to further expand the concept and impact of non-violence on all aspects of life. "From the local community to the world stage, peace is the answer to improving our social, political and economic situation. It is an interlocking thread to be woven into the everyday fabric of our lives," stated Dr. Jean Gounard, director, International Student Affairs, Buffalo State.
Gounard, a Fulbright Scholar, and Dr. Carmen J.Iannaccone, professor emeritus, Buffalo State, founded the Conference for Peace and, each year, have advanced the concept and participants. "This year, we are especially grateful to the many scholars who are traveling here, student participation and the support of the Committee for the Study of Understanding Community, Diversity and Peace," said Gounard.
Highlights for October 24 Presentations include:
9:15 a.m. Opening remarks, Dr. Muriel A. Howard, President of Buffalo State College
9:50 - 10:20 a.m. "Economic Initiatives of the United Nations." U.N. representative Dr. Sergio Vieira will discuss the work of the U.N. on poverty around the world. Dr. Vieira has devoted his career to poverty issues in different countries and most recently works in this regard with the Division of Policy and Development at the U.N.
10:20 - 10:55 a.m. "The Just Third Way; Lifting Barriers to Universal Abundance and Global Peace," a presentation by Dr. Norman Kurland, president, Center for Economic and Social Justice. As the legal brain behind the creation of the Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP), Kurland has enabled millions of American workers to participate in the national economy through whole or partial ownership in the corporations in which they work.
2:00 - 2:35 p.m. "Blueprint for Peace." Award-winning writer Eric Monte discusses his new book about how we can end war forever, eliminate taxes and reduce crime. Monte is known for bringing African American family life to television through his writing and creation of '70s sitcoms "What's Happening" and "Good Times," as well as through the characters George and Louise of "The Jeffersons."
Oct. 24 presentations will be interspersed with panel discussions, student essays on peace, an awards presentation and community videos. At 1:00 p.m., Charles Mancuso, professor, Music, and other colleagues will provide a musical interlude of selections from the Great Depression.
For more information about Conference for Peace events on and around Oct. 24, contact Buffalo State College's International Student Affairs Office at (716) 878-5331 or e-mail gounarJF@buffalostate.edu
Media Contact:
Phyllis Camesano, Public Relations Director | 7168784325 | camesapa@buffalostate.edu