Assistant Professor Wins SUNY Chancellor

Richard Herdlein, an assistant professor of educational foundations at Buffalo State College, has been chosen to receive a 2004 State University of New York Chancellor’s Award for Internationalization.

The award will support a three-week summer study tour to Eastern Europe and Scandinavia in which students will study comparative educational systems while designing individualized course work related to their academic interests and programs of study. Students will earn three to six credit hours.

The Baltic State of Estonia will serve as the host country. Herdlein said students will participate in interactive seminars, research and cross-cultural experiences at the University of Tartu, the largest institution of higher learning in Estonia. Additional learning opportunities, he added, will be available through educational visits to Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, and Helsinki, Finland.

The Chancellor’s Award for Internationalization is intended to support increased opportunities for SUNY students to gain international experiences, as well as support world peace and economic development through cross-cultural understanding.

For more information, call the International Education Office at (716) 878-4620.

Media Contact:
Nanette Tramont, Director of News Services | 7168784325 |