Buffalo State College Celebrates United Nations Day

Buffalo State College will hold a "Conference on Understanding, Cooperation and Peace" on Thursday, Oct. 24 to celebrate United Nations Day. The day-long series of events will begin in Rockwell Hall and includes a dialogue on "Understanding, Cooperation and Peace" by Imam W. Deen Mohammed, leader of the Muslim American Society, and a panel discussion on United Nation's and United State's perspectives with the Honorable Ramu Damodaran, editor-in-chief of the "United Nations Chronicle" and Dr. Eugene Schmiel, former foreign service officer for the U.S. State Department.

Buffalo State College President Muriel Howard will open the program with an welcoming address and eight Buffalo State College students will receive awards for their essays on conflict, peace, war, terrorism or ideology. The United Nations perspectives dialogue will begin at 10:05 a.m. and Imam W. Deen Mohammed will follow at 10:55 a.m. A question and answer period will follow the talks. Latter in the afternoon Damodaran and Schmiel will address students in various classes.

For more than 25 years, Imam W. Deen Mohammed has been a leading member of international religious organizations, including the World Conference on Religion and Peace, former President Clinton's Religious Advisory Council, the World Supreme Council of Mosques and the Executive Committee of Religious Alliance Against Pornography. He has also written 12 books on the Islamic faith.

Editor-in-chief of the "United Nations Chronicle," Ramu Damodaran, has served as senior officer in the Executive Office of the Secretary General as well as senior focal point and liaison officer for the Department of Peacekeeping Operations. He also was the private secretary and executive assistant to the Prime Minister of India.

Dr. Eugene Schmiel began his professional career as an assistant professor of history at St. Francis College of Pennsylvania. During his State Department career, Schmiel served as the American charge' d'affaires in three nations and deputy office director for Central African and Korean Affairs in the Department of the State. Today he serves as director for academic programs at the Institute for Experiential Learning in Washington, D.C.

This event is sponsored in part by a grant from the FSA Founders fund, and donations from the United Student Government, Sodexho Marriott, Project FLIGHT and Barnes & Noble Bookstore.

Media Contact:
Elizabeth Stone, News Services Intern | 7168784235 | newsservices@bscmail.buffalostate.edu