Buffalo State College Holds Annual Scholarship Gala

WGRZ-TV sports anchor Adam Benigni will serve as master of ceremonies for Buffalo State College's 6th annual scholarship gala, "A Night in Nanjing," to be held at 7 p.m on Saturday, Apr. 5 in the Campbell Student Union Social Hall.

The elegant black tie event will feature fine authentic cuisine, dancing and a live auction for prizes such as a walk-on role in the television series "The Drew Carey Show," tickets to the MTV Movie Awards in Hollywood and tickets to MTV's New Year's Eve 2004 Bash in Times Square.

Last year?s gala, "Night in Napoli," raised more than $80,000 for the Buffalo State College Scholarship Fund and the All College Honors Program.

Media Contact:
Nanette Tramont, Director of News Services | 7168784325 | newsservices@bscmail.buffalostate.edu