Buffalo State College Holds Pumpkin Carving Event

You don't have to adorn your porch step with the same embarrassing, crooked, triangle-eyed jack-o-lantern this year. Professional chefs from the American Culinary Federation (A.C.F) will carve traditional Halloween designs such as witches, black cats and ghosts into pumpkins for sale at Buffalo State College on Oct. 26 in the quad in front of the Campbell Student Union starting at 11:00 a.m.

The profits from the pumpkins, along with baked goods and hot dogs being sold will benefit the A.C.F. Scholarship Fund and the Buffalo State College Hospitality and Tourism Department.

Student teams will participate in carving competitions using instructions provided by the A.C.F.

The event is sponsored by the A.C.F, the Buffalo State College Hospitality and Tourism Department and the Buffalo State College Residence Life Office.

Media Contact:
Elizabeth Stone, News Services Intern | 7168784235 | newsservices@bscmail.buffalostate.edu