Buffalo State College Music Education Program Earns Local, National Recognition

Buffalo State College's Music Department is receiving national and local recognition for its Music Education Program in partnership with Campus West Elementary School, a Buffalo city public school.
On Oct. 22, college Music faculty will receive an award for commitment to education from the Buffalo Alliance for Education. In September, the Music Department was invited to present the program as a "best practice in music education" at a conference of music educators from across the country. Coordinator of Music Education Lisa Hunter, Department Chair Bradley Fuster, Music Education student Lindsay Whelan and Campus West Principal Nora Trincanati presented.
The program is a collaboration of the college and Campus West to develop general music and instrumental music curriculum for elementary school children while providing an opportunity for Buffalo State College pre-service music teachers to develop their teaching skills. Hands-on learning is emphasized in three, integrated components that include curriculum-based concerts, classroom teaching and instrumental lessons after school at the Buffalo State College Music Department.
"The results are proof of the value of application in music teacher education," commented Buffalo State Assistant Professor Lisa Hunter who cultivated and coordinated the program. "Our students are able to immediately apply knowledge of curriculum and teaching pedagogy learned in their music classes while the students at Campus West receive an enriched music education and opportunity through this hands-on, integrated approach."
As part of the program, after school music lessons are held at nearby Buffalo State College. Principal Trincanati provides the bus for Campus West students. "If it were not for the after school program, many students from this urban school would not have the opportunity for extra musical instruction," said Hunter. "This is truly a great collaboration driven by a shared belief in the value of arts in education and the power of hands-on learning."
The Buffalo Alliance for Education awards luncheon is being hosted at the Hyatt Regency Hotel by the Honorable Byron Brown, Mayor, City of Buffalo, and Dr. James Williams, Superintendent, Buffalo Public Schools.
Media Contact:
Phyllis Camesano, Public Relations Director | 7168784325 | camesapa@buffalostate.edu