Buffalo State College Takes Back the Night

Buffalo State College will participate in the second annual citywide "Take Back the Night" march and rally on Oct. 24. The march will begin at 6 p.m. in Bidwell Park and continue down Lincoln Parkway to Delaware Park Casino at Hoyt Lake. The rally will start at 7 p.m.

Take Back the Night is an international rally and march organized in local communities to create awareness about violence against women, children and families. The rally includes a candle-light vigil, poetry reading and testimony from survivors. Speakers will include New York State Assembly Member, Sam Hoyt and Senator Byron Brown. The event it a collaboration of community, campus and other interested persons who are ready to take a stand against violence.

Media Contact:
Elizabeth Stone, News Services Intern | 7168784235 | newsservices@bscmail.buffalostate.edu