Buffalo State Honors Undergraduate Research Week

The U.S. House of Representatives has officially designated this week, April 11–15, 2011, as national Undergraduate Research Week. But Buffalo State College has long recognized the importance and significance of undergraduate research. The campus has a rich tradition of engaging its undergraduate students in original high-quality, faculty-sponsored research and creative activities, often as early as their first year.

Buffalo State officially established the Undergraduate Research Office in 2003. Directed by Jill Singer, professor of earth sciences and science education, the office coordinates, promotes, and supports undergraduate research and creative activities campuswide. These include an annual student research symposium, a summer research fellowship program, a small grants program to support academic-year research, travel support for students presenting or performing at professional conferences, and faculty-development opportunities related to undergraduate research.

This year, the office will host its 13th annual Student Research and Creativity Celebration on April 29 and 30, showcasing the scholarly and creative accomplishments of undergraduate and graduate students from across the academic disciplines. Download schedule of events and activities (PDF).

On April 25, Buffalo State will announce the recipients of this year’s Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowships. Established in 1999, these fellowships provide funding and support to allow undergraduate students and their faculty mentors to engage in eight weeks of original, full-time research, scholarly, or creative activities during the summer months. The fellowship program provides both a student and a faculty stipend, as well as a modest budget for travel, supplies, or equipment.

Watch videos from past Student Research and Creativity Celebrations.
Listen to podcasts from past Student Research and Creativity Celebrations.
View photos of past Student Research and Creativity Celebration
Media Contact:
Cindy Mantai, College Relations Writer | 7168785580 | mantaicj@buffalostate.edu