Buffalo State Offers Distance Learning Master's Degree in Adult Education Through Monroe Community College

Buffalo State College, in partnership with Monroe Community College, is accepting applications to its master's degree program in adult education.

Upon acceptance into the program, students may begin courses as early as summer 2002. Students can earn a complete Buffalo State College 12-course master's degree in two years by taking two courses each semester, including summers, or elect to take courses over a longer period.

All courses are offered on the Monroe Community College campus through live interactive video or via the Internet. Enrollment in limited.

This summer begins the fifth year of Buffalo State's partnership with Monroe Community College. Buffalo State also offers its adult education master's degree on a distance learning basis in Jamestown, Nassau and Westchester County community colleges, as well as in Binghamton. It also offers a completely online program.

The adult education degree granted by Buffalo State College is approved by the New York State Education Department and the moranjj@buffalostate.edu. Complete program information is available at http://www.buffalostate.edu/~edf/ade/index.html. Application materials may be obtained by email request at gradoffc@buffalostate.edu or downloaded from www.buffalostate.edu/graduatestudies/admiss/apply.html.

Information is also available from Guy Rossi at Monroe Community College by telephone at (716) 279-4006 or email at grossi@monroecc.edu.

Media Contact:
Nanette Tramont, Director of News Services | 7168784325 | newsservices@bscmail.buffalostate.edu