Buffalo State Recognizes Student-Athletes at Academic Luncheon

Buffalo State held its annual academic luncheon to recognize student-athletes that have earned a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher for at least three semesters at the college today in the Hall of Fame Lobby in the Sports Arena.

Following opening remarks by Athletics Director Jerry Boyes, Provost and Vice President Dennis Ponton addressed the audience. Forty-nine student-athletes were honored at the reception, including 12 that have maintained a 3.50 GPA or higher.

The athletics department would like to recognize the following invited faculty members that were on hand to support individual student-athletes: Dr. Edward Standora (Biology), Dr. Scott Roberts (Health and Wellness), Leslie Krims (Fine Arts), Dr. Lori Quigley (Elementary Education), Dr. Helen Thielke (Speech Language), Dr. Catherine Ansuini (Health and Wellness), Dr. Peter Gomez (Political Science), Dr. James Maxwell (Business Administration), Dr. Daniel Cunningham (Math), Dr. Thomas Weinberg (Sociology), Dr. Michael Lazich (History), Camille Spyra (Asst. to Dean of Students), Dr. Robert Barone (CIS), Dr. Dwight Hennessy (Psychology), Pamela Rost (Health and Wellness), Elizabeth Stevens (EOP), Cynthia Argona (Applied Science and Education), Sue Baldwin (Health and Wellness) and Ron Smith (Communication).
Media Contact:
Jeffrey Ventura, Sports Information Director | 7168786030 | venturjm@buffalostate.edu