
Buffalo State Supports 'SUNY Strong for Texas' in Hurricane Relief Efforts

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One of Kristina Johnson’s first acts as SUNY chancellor was to support Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s announcement that SUNY is hosting "SUNY Strong for Texas" to aid in relief and recovery efforts for those affected by Hurricane Harvey.

In a statement released on September 6, Johnson said, “For more than a week now, we have seen the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey continue to take its toll on Southeast Texas. We have kept in our thoughts and prayers a city whose infrastructure has been devastatingly compromised and whose residents have experienced terrible loss. We have also seen our nation at its best, as communities across the country have come together to offer their support. With the Empire State VI heading to Beaumont next weekend, SUNY has a new opportunity to contribute as well. Thank you to Governor Cuomo for his support, and to President Alfultis and the Maritime community for leading this relief effort on SUNY's behalf.”

The Empire State VI is SUNY Maritime College’s training ship. It has received orders from the U.S. Department of Transportation Maritime Administration to support relief efforts in Texas. Goods are being collected at SUNY Plaza in Albany; donations can be made online through Thursday, September 7.

“As a college, we are deeply committed to community engagement, including collaborations with not only regional and state communities, but also with national and global partners,” said Buffalo State President Katherine Conway-Turner. “As an institution of higher education, our goal is to prepare our students to become educated, engaged citizens committed to civic responsibility. It is therefore imperative that we strive to meet the needs of our fellow citizens not only to aid them but also to prepare our students to contribute to the public good.”

Through the School of Education, Buffalo State has a special connection to the Houston area. Two school districts—the Houston Independent School District and the Aldine School District—have hosted Buffalo State students. Three alumni have accepted teaching positions in Houston.

“It is heartbreaking to know that some of the schools we toured have been damaged,” said Wendy Paterson, dean of the School of Education.

Members of the Buffalo State community, as well as all Western New Yorkers, are invited to support “SUNY Strong” or the partner school districts in Houston.