Buffalo State Takes Honors in SUNY/CUAD Competition

Buffalo State College's College Relations Office has won eight awards in the State University of New York's Council for University Advancement and Development's annual competition.

The college won top honors, "Best of Category," in the:

"Visual Design in Print" category; for "At Home," a residence hall brochure;

"One to Three Color Magapapers" category for its "Insider" newsletter; and,

"Fund Raising Publication" category for its "Friends of the Warren Enters Theatre" brochure.

It also took "Judges' Citations" in the:

"Alumni Relations World Wide Web Site" category for the Insider Web site'

"Student Recruitment Pieces - View Books and Prospectuses" category for its "Declare Yourself 2002-2004 Viewbook;"

"Student Recruitment Publications - Recruitment Search" category for its "Learning Communities Package;"

"Student Recruitment Publications - Packages" category for its "Undergraduate Admissions Package: Declare Yourself ;" and,

"Fund Raising Publications, Presidents/Annual Reports" category for "A Year of Firsts: Buffalo State Annual Report 2001-02."

SUNY/CUAD promotes understanding and support of the State University and provides professional development and networking opportunities for advancement professionals in the areas of public relations, alumni relations, publications, electronic communications, development, government relations and marketing.

Media Contact:
Nanette Tramont, Director of News Services | 7168784325 | newsservices@bscmail.buffalostate.edu