Buffalo State Wins $340,337 Department of Education Grant

Buffalo State College has been awarded a $340,337 U.S. Department of Education grant to continue its Upward Bound program that grooms underserved high school students for post-secondary education.

The college's program will provide support services to 85 low-income, first generation students from five high schools in the Buffalo Public Schools district to prepare them for college admission and success in their higher education pursuits.

Designed to increase the rates at which participants enroll in and graduate from institutions of postsecondary education, the program serves students from low-income families, from families in which neither parent holds a bachelors degree and low-income, first generation military veterans who are preparing to enter postsecondary education.

Since its inception at Buffalo State in 1986, 69 percent of students served have graduated from postsecondary education or are currently enrolled. Ninety-five percent of the Buffalo State Upward Bound seniors in 2001-2002 enrolled in college following graduation from high school.

The program provides instruction in math, laboratory science, composition, literature and foreign language. Other services include instruction in reading, writing, study skills; academic, financial or personal counseling; exposure to academic programs and cultural events; tutoring; mentoring programs; information on postsecondary education opportunities; assistance in completing college entrance and financial aid applications; assistance in preparing for college entrance exams; and work-study positions to expose students to careers requiring a postsecondary degree.

Schools served by Buffalo State's Upward Bound program include Buffalo Traditional High School, Grover Cleveland High School, Hutchinson Central Technical High School, Lafayette High School and McKinley High School. Students must have completed the eighth grade, be between the ages of 13 and 19 (except veterans) and have a need for academic support in order to pursue a program of postsecondary education.

Students are selected based on recommendations from local educators, social workers, clergy or other interested parties.

Media Contact:
Nanette Tramont, Director of News Services | 7168784325 | newsservices@bscmail.buffalostate.edu