Clothing Give Away a Huge Success on May 2!

Saturday’s clothing giveaway at the Asarese-Matters Youth Center (one block from BSC on Rees Street) was a heartwarming success.  Thanks to our wonderful  on campus and off campus partners who donated generously to this effort, we were able to help more than 25 families (which equates to approximately 100 people), with the remaining clothing going to a charitable group on the west side.  Several people filled multiple bags and everyone was thankful  that they could actually take items of clothing, shoes, jewelry, children’s books/toys, and houseware items for “free”.  We also made “new friends” of the youth on the basketball court by providing them with donated t-shirts and other goodies.
Many thanks to those who donated and/or volunteered to help.  Buffalo State alumni, faculty, staff and students along with community volunteers all helped to make the day a huge success.  The event was arranged via the Friends of the Asarese in conjunction with the Office of College and Community Partnerships, the Alumni Association and the Volunteer and Service- Learning Center.

Don’t forget to start saving your toiletry items for the holiday bag distribution we’ll be coordinating in December 2009 for the children who utilize the Center.   Many of these youth live in poverty and often do not have items that we take for granted like shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, cream, combs, brushes, lip balm, soap, etc.  Your donations will help make the holidays a little better for these struggling families.
Media Contact:
Jennifer Small, Assistant Director | 7168786001 |