SUNY Chancellor’s Award For Student Excellence
I’Jaz Eberhardt has earned a bachelor of arts in journalism, attaining a 4.0 GPA while participating in the Muriel A. Howard Honors Program and Kenzie Scholars Program.
She will receive the SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Student Excellence during the 1:00 p.m. baccalaureate ceremony at Buffalo State’s 147th Commencement, Saturday, May 18, in the Sports Arena.
Eberhardt exemplifies the ideal Buffalo State student, combining high academic achievement, impressive leadership qualities, and concern for her campus and community with articulate communication skills, poise, and grace. She is at once thoughtful, compassionate, and conscientious.
A genuine thinker, she has pursued her academic interest in journalism with purpose. She presented her honors capstone project findings on the future of print journalism in the digital age at the college’s Student Research and Creativity Conference and completed certificates through the University of Michigan’s Become a Journalist: Report the News program. Earning top grades was just a byproduct of her pursuit of knowledge.
A natural leader, she served as student president of the Muriel A. Howard Honors Program, a board member of the Honors Advisory Board, and a student representative on the Buffalo State College Foundation’s Board of Directors. She is also a member of Lambda Pi Eta, the honor society of the National Communication Association. In addition, she served as associate news editor and investigative reporter for the college’s student newspaper, the Record. She also reviews local art and music and writes about the public art scene for BuffaloVibe magazine.
Eberhardt is a committed citizen of the campus, the city, and the world. She volunteers on campus at Bengala, the Golf and Tennis Scholarship Classic, and the Scholar and Donor Breakfast, all fundraising programs that benefit the honors programs. In the community, she helps organize and maintain the Brighton Place Library.