Eating Disorders Presentation Scheduled for March 2

Buffalo State College's Weigal Health Center will present “Andrea's Voice,” a program by the parents of a young California woman who died of complications due to the eating disorder, bulimia, on Tuesday, March 2, 2004, from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the Campus West Auditorium on the campus at 1300 Elmwood Avenue.

The event is free and open to the public.

During their presentation, Tom and Doris Smeltzer take their listeners on a journey into the heart and mind of a disordered eater. With the knowledge they have gained from experts in the field and via their daughter Andrea's words they describe the factors that contribute to the development of an eating disorder, the warning signs and approaches to use when speaking with a suspected sufferer. The presentation is designed to promote understanding without judgment, and encourages shifted paradigms to move individuals toward personal change with a desire for action in the areas of prevention and treatment..

Media Contact:
Nanette Tramont, Director of News Services | 7168784325 |