ETC '07 Offers Technology Tools for Today's Teachers

June 1, 2007 (Buffalo, NY) - On May 11, 2007 Buffalo State College and Erie 1 BOCES hosted the ETC '07 conference that enabled educators to become more proficient in using technology in the classroom and office. The ETC '07 conference (short for Educational Technology Conference 2007) provided PreK-12 educators with a set of modern day skills and strategies to apply when using educational technology. These cutting edge skills and strategies were presented "by educators for educators," demonstrating how to effectively integrate educational technology into the classroom and office.

Tim Magner, Director of the Office of Educational Technology for the U.S. Department of Education, presented the keynote speech. Track sessions were presented by classroom teachers, professors, and technology specialists from various school districts and organizations. The presentations covered a wide number of educational technology topics which included: interactive whiteboards, Internet safety, PowerPoint tips and tricks, social networks, classroom performance systems, digital video production, podcasting, blogging, and much more.

A "Technology Using Teacher of the Year Award" was presented to Sharon Bushnell at the closing ceremony. Mrs. Bushnell is a 2nd grade elementary teacher for the Hinsdale Central School District. Individualized certificates of completion were given out to each attendee.

The committee that put this conference together consisted of six graduate students, from Buffalo State College, that chose to work on the conference as part of their Master's project. The committee members were graduate students in the Educational Computer master's degree program at Buffalo State College. Committee members included John Targia, Matt Gregoire, Kristen Wilkosz, Annette Trabucco, David Neiss, and Edward Tromble. The committee worked under the guidance of Dr. John Thompson, associate professor and coordinator of the Educational Computing program.

Record attendance of 235 participants at the ETC '07 Conference signaled teacher interest in Internet safety, new trends in technology, legal and ethical issues regarding technology use, and the need for more information about how to better use technology in the classroom.

Teachers and administrators traveled from as far away as Washington, DC to participate in this year's ETC '07, which featured 25 speakers presenting on different aspects of classroom technology. Of particular interest, Rob Zdrojewski from Amherst Middle School presented on digital movie production for school news shows and class projects.

"Based on the responses from the conference participants, there is a clear need for more information and training in the use of technology in the classroom and office," offered Dr. John Thompson, conference chair. "We look forward to building on the success of this year's conference in 2008."

The ETC '07 Committee extended special thanks to Mr. Tim Magner, Buffalo State College, and Erie 1 BOCES for helping making the conference worthwhile and enjoyable.

Media Contact:
Phyllis Camesano, Public Relations Director | 7168784325 |