Expert-2-Expert Conference Promotes Collegiality and Creativity

A commitment to lifelong learning is just one of the values embraced by this year’s Expert-2-Expert (E2E) conference, presented by the International Center for Studies in Creativity at Buffalo State.

“This conference helps make the community of our alumni, faculty, and current students one that is an active learning community,” said Gerard Puccio, professor and chair of the Creative Studies Department. “It also helps alumni keep abreast of current topics.” Interested members of the college community as well as the general public are welcome to attend.

The E2E conference opens Sunday, May 15 and continues through Wednesday, May 18. The keynote speaker, Clara Kluk, is a partner of PIENSA, a consulting firm based in Mexico City, and a 2004 alumna of the creative studies master’s program.

The conference offers a choice of three or four workshop each morning, followed by a featured presentation on Monday and Tuesday. “Many of the presentations will be given by alumni,” said Puccio. “It gives them the chance not only to share their ideas with their colleagues, but also to test ideas and get feedback from an audience that understands their methodology and goals.”

As an example, Puccio cited Cory Wright, a 2000 graduate of the program who will present “Leading CPS Innovation Sessions Using Digital Tools and NO Post-its.” Participants in Wright’s session will use digital tools, including real-time collaboration software, to explore a creative problem-solving session.

Kristin Fields, a project coordinator with the Center for the Development of Human Services, is coordinating the conference. She, too, is an alumna (2002) of the program. “I apply what I learned almost every day,” she said. “One of the best things that I learned was how to use group dynamics to help people discover answers instead of just giving them the answers.”

Fields works as a trainer whose responsibilities include teaching others to become trainers. “The Creative Studies program has a strong facilitation strand,” she said, “and I use that a lot, too.”

About 80 people, in addition to current students, will attend this year’s E2E conference, including participants from England and Saudi Arabia. “It’s always so interesting,” said Fields, “because so many different people, from different places, doing different things, come back and share what they’re doing and what they’re learning.
Media Contact:
Mary A. Durlak, Senior Writer | 7168783517 |