Four Buffalo State Hockey Players to Appear in “Love Guru”

Four members of Buffalo State’s men’s hockey team, Travis Whitehead, Joe Curry, Justin Merritt and Cody Cole, will appear in the new hockey-themed film "LOVE GURU" starring Mike Myers, Justin Timberlake and Jessica Alba that will be released nationally by Paramount Pictures on June 20.

In the film, fictional Toronto Maple Leafs superstar Darren Roanoke (a player with Wayne Gretzky-like skills portrayed by Romany Malco) begins to struggle badly on the ice when his relationship with his wife also "goes on the ice." With Roanoke's game suffering and the Maple Leafs losing, Myers' character of "The Love Guru" is called in to assist in mending Roanoke's relationship with the love of his life.

Buffalo State’s Whitehead, Curry and Cole participated in the filming of the movie, portraying members of the Detroit Red Wings (Whitehead was "Peterson," Curry was "Lynch", Merrit was "Jansen" and Cole was "Derricks").

The hockey scenes in "LOVE GURU" were coordinated by Mark Ellis of The Sports Studio. For the film, all of the players in the movie attended a multi-week pre-filming training camp in Toronto, run by Ellis. Similar to a real professional training camp, the players underwent intensive practices in preparation for filming.
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