'Friday Night Live' Celebrates 100th Show


Did you know Buffalo State has its own free, weekly improvisational comedy show? This cast of students hits the stage on Friday nights throughout the semester to put on a show that has been compared to Whose Line Is it Anyway? and Saturday Night Live.

The cast’s performance on Friday, December 7, will be extra special as they celebrate their 100th show. “Our patrons can expect a veritable improv-a-ganza spectacular,” said Ron Schwartz, the Friday Night Live faculty adviser and technical director in the Theater Department. “Since the show is a series of improvisations, it is anyone’s guess for what may happen.”

Although there is a faculty adviser, Friday Night Live is a student-driven production. “They are a hard-working and clever group,” Schwartz said. “Their success this semester is due to the amount of dedication and attention they have invested.”

Friday Night Live is supported by Casting Hall Productions, a United Students Government organization. “In this day and age it is difficult to find any form of entertainment that is free,” Schwartz said. “What better way is there to start your Friday night off than with a free hour and a half of comedy?”

The 100th show will begin at 10:30 p.m. in Warren Enters Theatre in Upton Hall. Visit the Friday Night Live Facebook page for up-to-date times, locations, and information.