History Comes Alive at Old Fort Niagara

From June 1 through July 10 visitors to Old Fort Niagara can observe Buffalo State faculty and students on an archeological dig.

Students will continue their excavations and research on the interactions between the Native Americans and the French and later the British officers who were stationed at Fort Niagara in the eighteenth century. A student interpreter will explain the archeological process and the significance of the site in local, national, and international history.

In addition, this year marks the 250th anniversary of the siege of Fort Niagara from the French by the British. An extensive array of activities is planned, including a July 4 weekend reenactment of the siege. Buffalo State students have also volunteered their time to help with these activities. 

For more information about the field days please visit www.ofnfieldschool.com. For information about 250th anniversary events, visit the Old Fort Niagara Web site

Media Contact:
Jerod Dahlgren, Public Relations Staff Writer | 7168785569 | dahlgrjt@buffalostate.edu