Hoyt Announces Funding to Renovate Student Center

Assemblymember and Buffalo State College Distinguished Young Alumnus Sam Hoyt announced today he has obtained funding to begin the long-awaited renovation of his alma mater’s Campbell Student Union.

Hoyt’s $250,000 allocation in capital funds, along with support from the SUNY Construction Fund, will allow the college to begin a planned $3 million renovation – Phase 2 of a project that began with the Barnes and Noble Bookstore addition in 2001.

“The Students of Buffalo State College came to me with a clear message: renovating the Campbell Student Union is their top priority. As the center of campus life, the Student Union has a direct effect on student recruitment and retention. For this reason a quality student union is not only in the best interest of students, but as we strive to attract and retain young people to our region, it benefits the Western New York community as a whole, ” Hoyt said.

“Assemblymember Hoyt continues to distinguish himself as an alumnus who has never stopped caring about his alma matter. The entire Buffalo State College community is grateful for his leadership not only on this issue, but his ongoing engagement with our campus and commitment to improving our institution,” Buffalo State College President Dr. Muriel A. Howard said.

Planning for the project – which will include a substantial renovation to accommodate commuter and residential dining in the union’s first floor north wing – will begin this summer. Also included in the project are additional first floor renovations – to the building’s south wing – to upgrade kitchen areas.

On the second floor, the college plans renovations to improve its Social Hall stage and interior furnishings to create a music club atmosphere.

Hoyt said Buffalo State College students were instrumental in his obtaining and allocating the funds, and heavily lobbied him for his help in improving the student center, which has not undergone substantial renovation since its completion in 1952.

The 157,000-square-foot building, in the center of the Buffalo State College campus, houses the bookstore, food venues and student-run radio station, WBNY. It also houses a cafeteria, ATMs, information center, study areas and band of Internet-accessible computer terminals for student use. Large meeting spaces are located on the second floor, and the third floor houses offices of student support services and student government.

The Campbell Student Union is named for Mildred Keller Campbell, a significant benefactor of Buffalo State College, and member of the class of 1928.

Media Contact:
Nanette Tramont, Director of News Services | 7168784325 | newsservices@bscmail.buffalostate.edu