Leist Appointed Distinguished Teaching Professor; Carson Named Distinguished Service Professor

The State University of New York Board of Trustees has approved the appointments of Susan M. Leist, professor of English, to the rank of SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor, and David A. Carson, chair and professor of history and social studies education, to the rank of SUNY Distinguished Service Professor.

Distinguished professorships constitute the highest rank bestowed on SUNY instructional faculty. The distinctions will be officially acknowledged during the college’s Academic Convocation ceremony in September.

“The applications of these two individuals were strongly supported by our campus community,” said Kevin Railey, interim provost. “Both Dr. Leist and Dr. Carson have contributed much to enhance our students’ lives and to enrich the educational experience here at Buffalo State. I congratulate them both on a well-deserved recognition.”
Media Contact:
Jerod Dahlgren, Public Relations Staff Writer | 7168785569 | dahlgrjt@buffalostate.edu