Goodbye, midterms and hello, Homecoming! This Sunday will usher in 2019 Homecoming and Family Weekend, where current and former members of the campus community will come together to celebrate this year’s fiery theme: Bengal Fever! Don’t be misled by the title, however; the fun of Homecoming “Weekend” goes on all week long.
Events kick off Sunday, October 20, with window painting and banner making in the Campbell Student Union lobby from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m., followed by events every day through Sunday, October 27, including the Spirit Walk and men’s soccer and football games, just to name a few.
Don’t miss the chance to show your Bengal Pride and fill up at the Pep Rally and USG’s Bengal BBQ in the Student Union Plaza on Thursday, October 24, starting at noon. Please visit the Student Leadership and Engagement website for a full schedule of Homecoming events and look out for these other events happening this week:
2-D Student Show Reception
5:30 to 6:30 p.m.
Upton Hall Bacon Gallery
Join the Visual Arts Board for a reception to showcase student artwork for the 2-D Student Show. Get acquainted with the artistic talents of student artists and enjoy free snacks and drinks at this event. RSVP through Bengal Connect.
‘The Role of a Novel Myosin in Prostate Cancer Metastasis’
3:00 to 3:50 p.m.
Technology Building 160
Wilma Hofmann, associate professor of physiology and biophysics in the University at Buffalo’s Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, discusses her findings regarding a key contributing factor to cancer metastasis, the spreading of cancer cells from the site of a primary tumor to other body parts. Part of the Biology and Great Lakes Center Seminar Series.
Casting Calls for Singers
4:00 to 6:00 p.m.
Buckham Hall A114
Let your voice be heard and showcase your talents! Buffalo State’s NAACP will hold its final casting calls for singers to perform in the Mr. and Mrs. NAACP Pageant. For more information, please e-mail the organization.
Homecoming Kickoff!
Noon to 1:30 (Bengal Pause)
Campbell Student Union
Show your Buff State spirit at Homecoming Kickoff with music, performances, and plenty of exciting things to do as “all things Homecoming” go down this week.
Change My Mind
6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Classroom Building B119
Do you have a unique perspective and great debate skills? Then consider stopping by this event hosted by the Criminal Justice Club, where members of the E-board will present unpopular opinions and challenge visitors to change their minds.
Graduate School Fair
11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Campbell Student Union Social Hall
Anyone seeking to advance his or her academic career is encouraged to attend the Career Development Center’s Graduate School Fair. Meet with representatives from over 65 local, regional, and national programs. Visit the CDC website for a full list of participating schools.
Breast Cancer Awareness Card-Making Activity
12:30 to 1:30 p.m.
Campbell Student Union
Join the Student Civic and Leadership Board in observing Breast Cancer Awareness Month by making cards for breast cancer patients at Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Institute. The event is open to everyone; no registration necessary. For more information, contact Jamersin Redfirn.
The Great White Hoax: Film Screening and Discussion
7:00 p.m.
Upton Hall 230
This film, narrated by Tim Wise, provides a kaleidoscopic view of a nation still grappling with white supremacy, still driven by deep and persistent inequalities along racial lines. The screening will be followed by a discussion moderated by Buffalo State assistant professor of communication Dorthea Braemer, featuring Buffalo State professor of communication Mike Niman, and community activist Herson Simmonds.
'Moving toward Equity in Higher Education: Perspectives for Faculty, Staff, and Students to Challenge Norms and Encourage Change'
3:00 p.m.
Ketchum Hall 320
Please join us for the first talk in the 2019–2020 “Conversations in and out of the Disciplines” series, presented by Heather Maldonado, assistant provost for academic success and visiting associate professor of higher education administration. The talk will be followed by a brief Q&A; a short wine and cheese reception will follow. Everyone is welcome.
USG Homecoming Carnival
5:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Lot R-14
Don’t miss one of Homecoming’s signature events, hosted by USG! It’s all the fun of a classic carnival, here on campus. More information about obtaining and accessing a USG Event Pass for the carnival is available online.