New Criminal Justice Minor: Intelligence Analysis

FBI and CIA hopefuls now have a chance to specialize their background with Buffalo State’s new undergraduate criminal justice minor, Intelligence Analysis, beginning this fall.

The minor, consisting of 12 required credits and 9 elective credits, will provide a structured framework for students interested in pursuing analyst careers in government intelligence agencies, military intelligence, or law enforcement. Students are able to choose the national security track or the crime analysis track for their electives, allowing them to specialize within the minor and tailor the program to their interests and goals.

“The new minor will enhance the criminal justice program by providing a broader understanding of different types of analysis and the techniques used in intelligence analysis,” said Scott Phillips, intelligence analysis coordinator and associate professor in the Criminal Justice Department.

Phillips describes the national security track as suitable for those students looking for a global perspective of criminal justice and intelligence analysis. The crime analysis track utilizes the same methods and similar material, but with a localized focus.

“I think this minor will help make students more attractive to employers, too,” said Phillips. “It demonstrates a greater depth of understanding of either national security or crime analysis. Having ‘intelligence analysis’ on a resume makes a possible job candidate stand out.”

According to the Criminal Justice Department, the intelligence community seeks people who have an interest in history, local and national government, current world events, geographic and planning knowledge, as well as critical thinking and problem solving skills. The department took these desired traits into account when developing the intelligence analysis minor. Courses include crime analysis, terrorism, human geography, and sociology of crime and draw from the geology, history, philosophy, political science, religion, sociology, business, and planning programs to give students a well-rounded curriculum.

Media Contact:
Lindsay Hawkins, Public Relations Student Assistant | 7168784201 |