Philharmonia Concert Features Young Artist Competition Winners: April 19


Buffalo State Philharmonia's Tuesday, April 19, concert will feature winners of the Music Department's first Young Artist Competition. The concert will be held at 7:30 p.m. at the Performing Arts Center at Rockwell Hall.

Aaron Masters (pictured right), a music education major, will be performing the Saint-Saens Piano Concerto No. 4. Dan Darnley (pictured left), a dual music and history major, will perform Creston’s Concertino for Marimba and Orchestra. Soprano Tieisha Thomas (pictured center) will sing selections by Mozart and Gershwin.

The concert will also include Beethoven's Choral Fantasy performed by the Buffalo State Chorale, the Buffalo State Chamber Choir, assistant professor Bryan Boyce on piano, and the Philharmonia. The concert is free and open to the public.