Phone Outages on Campus

Update posted Wednesday, May 18, 2011: University Police is back to normal phone operations, and may be reached as usual at ext. 6333. 

Posted Tuesday, May 17:
The college is experiencing intermittent phone outages. Phones to many key campus offices (Registrar's Office, University Police, etc.) are currently offline. E-mail and web functions to these offices is running as usual. Visit for a list of campus resources and safety information.

The buildings affected by this outage are Bishop Hall, Campbell Student Union, Chase Hall, Clinton Center, Moot Hall, Porter Hall, and Twin Rise. 

If you experience an emergency and are unable to reach University Police at ext. 6333, please call 911.

More information about this temporary outage will be released as it becomes available.
Media Contact:
Jerod Dahlgren, Public Relations Associate Director | 7168785569 |