Planetarium Offers Free Summer Sky Observation Nights

Buffalo State College's Whitworth Ferguson Planetarium will offer free astronomic observation nights beginning May 23.

Open to the public, the program will begin in the planetarium with a "tour" of the summer night sky, and move outside for an observation hour.

Basic astronomic concepts such as the size, color, temperature, magnitude and distance in light years of stars visible in the northern hemisphere in summer, as well as visible planets and deep space objects, will be detailed. Constellations such as Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Leo, Gemini, Bootes, Corona Boreallis, Virgo and Hercules will be described and projected on the large indoor dome of the planetarium to simulate their movements in the summer sky, said Art Gielow, planetarium director. Planets Saturn and Jupiter, as well as the moon, will also be included.

Participants should bring binoculars or a telescope, and a comfortable chair.

Programs are scheduled for 8 p.m. on May 23, June 13, June 20 and June 27, and 9 p.m. on July 11, Aug. 1, Aug. 8 and Aug. 15 on clear nights. Programs will not be held on cloudy nights.

Buffalo State College's Whitworth Ferguson Planetarium is located in the Science Building on the campus at 1300 Elmwood Ave. Parking is available in Lot S-1, accessible from Iroquois Dr.

For more information, contact the Whitworth Ferguson Planetarium at (716) 878-4911.

Media Contact:
Nanette Tramont, Director of News Services | 7168784325 |