Poets and Writers Series Presents Ansie Baird

Poet Ansie Baird will present a reading at the Burchfield-Penney Art Center on Sunday, October 21, 2 p.m. The reading is free and open to the public.

Baird is the poet-in-residence and a part-time English teacher at Buffalo Seminary. For the past twenty years she has taught poetry workshops for Writers in Education in public elementary, middle, and high schools. Baird has given numerous readings locally and outside the region and has had poems published in a number of journals, notably The Paris Review, The Denver Quarterly, The Southern Review, Pembroke Magazine, Poetry Now, and The South Dakota Review. She won the first prize in the Academy of American Poets competition at the University at Buffalo, where she received her M.A. in English in 1980.

Support for the Poets and Writers Series comes from the Buffalo State College Bookstore Resource Allocation Committee.

Photos of the poet and other poems are available by request.

The Sting of It

If I cared about such things

I'd write you the wild

daffodils are blooming

and crocuses and ye gods

blue hyacinths and a clutch

of coral tulips at the curb.

And you not here

and I disinclined

to care about such things,

about spring, your absence

a wasp entangled in my hair.

Media Contact:
Lisa Kane, Public Relations Manager, Burchfield-Penney | 7168784529 | kanelm@buffalostate.edu