PR Expert to Speak on Diversity in Communication


Update: April 16, 2010: YouTube video posted.

Award-winning public relations practitioner Ofield Dukes presented “Communicating with Diverse Audiences,” Thursday, April 8, from 12:15 to 1:30 p.m. in Bulger Communication Center South 2.

Dukes, whose clients have included General Motors, Motown Records, AT&T, and the U.S. Department of the Treasury, discussed the implications of America’s increasing racial, ethnic and cultural diversity for businesses and nonprofit organizations, particularly graduating college seniors and professional communicators. “The American marketplace is now more racially and culturally diverse than ever before,” he noted. “Therefore, companies are aggressively developing policies and practices of diversity as smart business strategies.”

President of the public relations firm of Ofield Dukes & Associates, Dukes currently serves the national board of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) as a special counsel on diversity issues, a major focus for PRSA this year.