President Howard Appointed to Air University Board

Dr. Muriel A. Howard, president of Buffalo State College, has been selected by Secretary of Defense Robert Gates to serve on the Board of Visitors for Air University.

Established in 1946, Air University educates officers, enlisted and civilian personnel throughout their careers. The Board of Visitors is chartered to provide advice and recommendations on the educational, doctrinal and research policies of Air University. The Board meets with and advises the secretary of the Air Force on matters of policy regarding the mission of Air University.

Members of the Air University Board of Visitors are selected from the fields of education, business, the professions and public service. Members normally serve annual renewable terms up to a maximum of nine years.

The Board meets at least twice a year at Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala., and presents a written report with its views and recommendations to the Air University commander and then to the chief of staff, United States Air Force, and to the secretary of the Air Force. The secretary of the Air Force or designated representative, on behalf of the Secretary of Defense, may act upon the Board's advice and recommendations.

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