Search Committee Formed to Select President of Buffalo State College

Buffalo State College Council Vice Chair Howard A. Zemsky has announced the formation of a Presidential Search Advisory Committee charged with selecting a new president to succeed Muriel A. Howard.
“We have a highly qualified group with a variety of perspectives guiding us to the best possible selection for the campus and the community,” said Zemsky.  “I thank the entire college community for their ongoing support.”
Committee members are:

Howard A. Zemsky, President, Taurus Partners

College Council Representatives
William J. Bissett, President, Gaming and Entertainment Company, Delaware North
James Brandys, Senior Vice President, Investment Wealth Management Adviser, Merrill Lynch
Alphonso V. O’Neil-White, President and CEO, HealthNow New York

Faculty Representatives
Felix L. Armfield, Professor, History and Social Studies Education
Betty J. Cappella, SUNY Distinguished Service Professor, Educational Foundations
Ann C. Colley, Professor, English
Sharon F. Cramer, SUNY Distinguished Service Professor, Exceptional Education
Kevin F. Mulcahy, Chair and Associate Professor, Hospitality and Tourism
Constance Dean Qualls, Chair and Professor, Speech-Language Pathology
John F. Siskar, Associate Professor, Art Education
Randal J. Snyder, Associate Professor, Biology

Student Representatives
Kafilat O. Hassan, President, United Students Government
Jenelle N. Orosz, Graduate Student

Professional Staff Representative
Daniel C. Vélez, Assistant to the Vice President for Student Affairs
Support Staff Representative
Susan A. Niescier, Administrative Aide, Technology

Administration Representatives
Susanne P. Bair, Vice President, Institutional Advancement
Ronald S. Rochon, Dean, School of Education

Alumni Association Representative
Marsha D. Jackson, Associate Vice President for Student Affairs, Erie Community College

Buffalo State College Foundation Representative
Benjamin M. Zuffranieri, Partner, Hodgson Russ LLP

Non-Voting Member
Chancellor’s Liaison
Aimee L. Bernstein, Associate Vice Chancellor, SUNY
Aimee L. Bernstein, Associate Vice Chancellor, SUNY

Staff Support
Campus Liaison
Bonita R. Durand, Executive Assistant to the President and Secretary to the Buffalo State College Council

Secretary to the Search Committee
Melissa A. Slisz, Staff Assistant, President’s Office

In accordance with guidelines established by the SUNY Board of Trustees, the committee was established by the Buffalo State College Council to solicit and evaluate nominations and applications for the position of college president. The committee will submit a list of qualified candidates to the College Council, and the council will send a list of acceptable candidates to SUNY Chancellor Nancy L. Zimpher for her review and consideration. Chancellor Zimpher will then make her final recommendation to the SUNY Board of Trustees, which maintains the legal authority to appoint the president. All search committee members are required to sign a confidentiality agreement to help protect applicants, which in turn helps ensure a professional process and a successful outcome.

Provost Dennis K. Ponton will become Interim President August 1 when Howard takes her new post in Washington, D.C., as President of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU).
Media Contact:
Phyllis Camesano, Public Relations Director | 7168784325 |