Send Silence Packing

Suicide claims the lives of more than 1,100 college students each year. To raise awareness of this staggering statistic, the Buffalo State chapter of Active Minds will bring the Send Silence Packing Spring 2011 Tour to campus, Wednesday, April 13, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the Campbell Student Union Quad.

Send Silence Packing is an aggressive campaign designed to promote dialogue about mental health issues on campus and to combat student suicides. Backpacks representing the number of college students who lose their lives to suicide each year will be displayed. Many of the backpacks have personal stories and pictures of those affected by suicide.

Active Minds has asked if Buffalo State would like to donate a backpack to the exhibit. The Buffalo State chapter is looking for someone who has lost a loved one (preferably of college age) to suicide and would be willing to share their story.

"As students, it is important to take care of ourselves and each other—physically, emotionally, and especially mentally,” said Active Minds secretary Paula Madrigal. “I believe the presence of these backpacks for just one day on campus will definitely send silence packing from Buffalo State and ignite a powerful conversation at the least."

Join Buffalo State and Active Minds in raising awareness about suicide prevention. For more information about Send Silence Packing, visit For questions about Buffalo State’s Active Minds chapter or if you or someone you know would like to share your story, contact Paula Madrigal, at

Media Contact:
Lindsay Hawkins, Public Relations Student Assistant | 7168784201 |