A Slice of Rice, Frijoles and Greens Plays Performing Arts Center on Sept. 5

Buffalo State College will present "A Slice of Rice, Frijoles and Greens," a fun-filled mix of contemporary stories that gives expression to the diversity of the American experience, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., on Thursday, Sept. 5, 2002, in the Rockwell Hall Performing Arts Center. The event is free and open to the public.

Sponsored by the Orientation and First-Year Programs, Minority Student Services and Services for Students with Disabilities and presented by Great Leap productions, the program features four performers who give humorous and vivid insights into the experiences of bicultural Americans and individuals with disabilities. Through personal tales, the artists open windows to their own worlds, highlighting their common struggles of overcoming discrimination and accepting their identities to bring viewers from different backgrounds together for a theatrical experience that will awaken consciousness and foster community.

Great Leap is a non-profit multicultural performing arts organization. Its mission is to deepen intercultural understanding and to give expression to the multicultural experience through the performing arts.

"A Slice of Rice, Frijoles and Greens" has toured nationwide to colleges such as UCLA, Princeton University, Wright State University, Indiana University Bloomington and Ohio State, and recently finished a successful run at the East West Players in Los Angeles.

Additional funding comes from the college's FSA Founder's Fund.

Media Contact:
Nanette Tramont, Director of News Services | 7168784325 | newsservices@bscmail.buffalostate.edu