Student Profile: Bernice Medina

Bernice Medina, a first-year student at Buffalo State, isn’t a typical undeclared freshman. Medina is a Gates Millennium Scholar—a recipient of one of the most prestigious scholarships in the nation, funded by Bill and Melinda Gates and administered by the United Negro College Fund.

Every year, about 25,000 students apply for the scholarship, which recipients can use at any college or university and is good through completion of a doctoral degree. Only 1,000 scholarships are awarded, based on students’ leadership, academic achievements, and community service. The goal of the scholarship is to promote and recognize academic excellence and to provide an opportunity for outstanding minority students with financial needs to receive a higher education.

Medina, who wanted to explore her options, chose Buffalo State because of its art programs. In her short time here, Medina has been involved with numerous organizations. In fact, one of the first things she did when she arrived in Buffalo was to call local organizations and ask if they needed volunteers. Off campus, Medina has been involved with Kiwanis International, helping to raise money for Computers for Children. On campus, she is involved with Buffalo State’s Newman Center and became a senator for the United Student Government.

“I have had a wonderful experience because of the unique individuals I have met throughout the community and the professors on campus,” said Medina. “For example, Dr. Neuman and Dr. Sanger have impacted my life in many ways. Overall, this was a growing experience I will never forget and will always appreciate.”

Medina is originally from San Diego, but her current hometown is Nampa, Idaho. She is considering majors in political science and literature, with a minor in French.

Media Contact:
Lindsay Hawkins, Public Relations Student Assistant | 7168784201 |