West Side Youth Violence Task Force Making a Difference

The West Side Youth Violence Task Force, an initiative championed by Buffalo State’s College and Community Partnerships Office, was recently profiled in the Buffalo News.

Read the full article.

The creation of Marian Deutschman, interim director of the partnerships office, and Buffalo Police Lt. Donna M. Berry, the task force formed in fall 2009 after Berry raised concerns that neighborhood children were becoming involved in gang activity at younger ages.

“You have second and third generations in these gangs.” Michele Graves, partnership associate in the partnerships office told the Buffalo News. “It’s a way of life.”

According to Deutschman, the task force’s approach is to treat the problem of youth violence as a public health issue. The group started small by adopting School 18 as a pilot project, offering gang-resistance education and training. 

Buffalo State's College and Community Partnerships Office is the primary facilitator of cooperation between the college and community organizations.

Media Contact:
Jerod Dahlgren, Associate Director, Public Relations | 7168785569 | dahlgrjt@buffalostate.edu