Western New York Women's History Committee Sponsors Art and Narrative Contests Open to High School Students

The Western New York Women's History Committee, in celebration of Women's History Month this March, is sponsoring two contests open to high school students in Erie and Niagara counties.

The theme of this year's contests - "Celebrating the Spirit of Women" - may be explored either through the life or an individual woman or through a commentary on the collective spirit of women throughout the history of America.

Celebrating the Spirit of Women Artwork Contest entries must consist of original artwork and clearly convey this year's theme. Artwork in any medium may be submitted, including photographs, pastels, markers, paints sculptures and mobiles.

Celebrating the Spirit of Women Narrative Contest entries may include formal essays or creative narratives, fictional short stories or essays, and must not exceed two to three typed, double-spaced pages, with bibliographic citations on a separate sheet. Narratives should be edited and conform to standard English, and will be judged on originality, factual accuracy and effectiveness of written expression.

Artwork and narrative contest entries must be post-marked no later than Friday, Feb. 14, 2003. Each entry must be accompanied by an official entry form. Entry forms for students from Erie County may be obtained by contacting Wynnie Fisher at (716) 878-5501; entry forms for students from Niagara County may be obtained by contacting Claire Collier at (716) 878-5206.

Contest winners will receive a certificate of recognition and a prize. Each winner and a guest will be invited to attend the Western New York Women's Hall of Fame luncheon at the Adam's Mark Hotel on March 27, 2003 to receive their award.

The Western New York Women's History Month Committee also will recognize outstanding high school girls who show potential to be women leaders of tomorrow. Junior or senior girls from Erie and Niagara counties who excel in academics, art, music, sports, clubs or community service may be nominated by their high school. Schools interested in obtaining applications should contact Winnie Fisher at (716) 878-5501.

The Women's History Month Committee and the Western New York Women's Hall of Fame are initiatives of Project FLIGHT, a family literacy program that fights illiteracy, undereducation, violence and impoverishment affecting women and their families.

Media Contact:
Nanette Tramont, Director of News Services | 7168784325 | newsservices@bscmail.buffalostate.edu