Women in Science and Mathematics Lecture Podcast Available

Carolyn Hurley, professor of the department of oncology and the department of microbiology and immunology at Georgetown University, spoke to Buffalo State students and faculty at the final presentation in this semester’s Women in Science and Mathematics Lecture Series.

Listen to podcast.

Hurley ‘s presentation, “We are all different: One scientist’s journey to study the impact of genetic diversity on the immune response,” described her research  and illustrated the options available to students interested in pursuing scientific careers.

The Research Director of the C. W. Bill Young Marrow Donor Recruitment and Research Program at the Georgetown University-Naval Medical Research Center, Hurley developed an interest in molecular biology while pursuing an undergraduate degree at the University of Wisconsin at Madison.

Media Contact:
Mary Durlak, Promotional Writer | 7168783517 | durlakma@buffalostate.edu