Buffalo State College Presents "Opening the (Post) Colonial Files"

Buffalo State College presents "Opening of (Post) Colonial Files; What Constitutes the Third World in the Eyes of the First?" a talk by Buffalo State College Professor Marcia Rosefelt on Nov. 12 at 12:30 p.m. in Butler Library room 210. An accompanying art exhibit will be on display in Butler Library until Nov. 14.

The lecture will look at the way images of the third world are being manipulated by cultural criticism, the art world and the art market and what constitutes the third world in the eyes of the first.

Rosefelt initiated a conceptual project several years ago called "Colonial Files" that explores private perceptions of human relations through found images. "Opening the (Post) Colonial Files," initiates a dialogue between the files and recent philosophical notions of democracy.

Rosefelt has taught at the Pratt Institute, the New School University and the California Institute of the Arts. Formerly an industrial and graphic designer, she earned a Ph.D. from New York University and is currently developing a project on democracy to be published in England.

The lecture is sponsored by Buffalo State College Minority Student Services.

Media Contact:
Elizabeth Stone, News Services Intern | 7168784235 | newsservices@bscmail.buffalostate.edu