Buffalo State Named to National Community Service Honor Roll

Buffalo State College has been named to the 2010 President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll in recognition of its strong commitment to volunteering, service learning, and civic engagement.

Buffalo State’s Volunteer and Service-Learning Center handled the application process for the award, identifying 100,693 hours of volunteer work in the Western New York community by students, faculty, and staff in 2010.

“Buffalo State is proud to be the university that serves the city—and proud to be included on the President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll for 2010,” said Buffalo State President Aaron Podolefsky. “Buffalo State students, faculty, and staff devote thousands of hours each year—through volunteer and service-learning programs—to make our community a better place to live, learn, and work. They don’t ask for recognition, but I am delighted to see their efforts recognized in such a meaningful way.”

The Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS), which has administered the honor roll since 2006, admitted a total of 641 colleges and universities for their impact on issues from literacy and neighborhood revitalization to supporting at-risk youth.

"As members of the class of 2011 cross the stage to pick up their diplomas, more and more will be going into the world with a commitment to public service and the knowledge that they can make a difference in their communities and their own lives through service to others, thanks to the leadership of these institutions," said Patrick A. Corvington, Chief Executive Officer of CNCS. “Congratulations to these schools and their students for their dedication to service and commitment to improving their local communities. We salute all the honor roll awardees for embracing their civic mission and providing opportunities for their students to tackle tough national challenges through service.”

The Corporation for National and Community Service is a strong partner with the nation's colleges and universities in supporting community service and service learning.

CNCS oversees the honor roll in collaboration with the U.S. Departments of Education and Housing and Urban Development, Campus Compact, and the American Council on Education. Honorees are chosen based on a series of selection factors, including the scope and innovation of service projects, the extent to which service learning is embedded in the curriculum, the school's commitment to long-term campus-community partnerships, and measurable community outcomes as a result of the service.
For a full list of recipients and descriptions of their service, visit www.NationalService.gov/HonorRoll.
Media Contact:
Jerod Dahlgren, Public Relations Associate Director | 7168785569 | dahlgrjt@buffalostate.edu