Buffalo State Students Selected for SUNY-Wide Symposium

Seven Buffalo State College students have been selected to present their academic projects at the first-ever SUNY-wide symposium of undergraduate research, scholarly and creative activities on April 13 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Legislative Office Building in Albany, N.Y.

Titled, “SUNY Undergraduates Shaping New York’s Future: A Showcase of Scholarly Posters at the Capitol,” the symposium is designed to bring together some of SUNY’s most talented undergraduate scholars, SUNY administration officials and members of the New York State Legislative Delegation and their office staffs.

Students and faculty advisers representing Buffalo State College are: 

- Alex Hubert, Tyler Oehman, and Margaret Nash (Faculty Adviser: James Mayrose)
“Alternative Energy: Powering a Greener Tomorrow”

- Jason Bartoszek, Eric Betzold, and Annabelle Wardzala (Faculty Adviser: Kevin Williams)
“Using Ground Penetrating Radar and GIS to Study Geology in New York and on Mars”

- Vincent Pontillo (Faculty Adviser: Tara Nahabetian)
“Cultural Anthropology, Meet Filigree”

“This symposium highlights the truly remarkable research activities taking place on our campus and throughout the SUNY system,” said Dennis K. Ponton, interim president, Buffalo State College. 

The conference is sponsored by the Undergraduate Academic Programs and Policies Committee of the SUNY University Faculty Senate. The displays will feature approximately 100 student hosted poster sessions and cover a diverse representation of disciplines. All of the undergraduate research has been supervised by SUNY faculty mentors.
Media Contact:
Phyllis Camesano, Public Relations Director | 7168784325 | camesapa@buffalostate.edu