Constitution and Citizenship Day commemorates the day in 1787 when delegates to the Constitutional Convention signed the original four-page Constitution of the United States of America. Buffalo State will observe Constitution Day on Thursday, September 21, with a presentation, “Municipalities and the Constitution,” by Joseph Golombek, Buffalo Common Council North District representative.
“We think of the Constitution as dealing with federal matters,” said Golombek. “But the Constitution also affects the way local governments work.”
Golombek, a native of Buffalo’s Riverside area and an alumnus of Buffalo State, was elected to the city council in 1999. He serves as a lecturer in the History and Social Studies Education Department.
The free presentation will take place on Thursday, September 21, at 12:15 p.m. in Classroom Building C214. The campus community and the public are invited to attend.
As part of Buffalo State’s Constitution Day observances, the Student Life Office hosted an information table on voter registration and NYPIRG in the Campbell Student Union on Monday, September 18.