Student doing laundry in Bishop Hall

To Dorm or Not to Dorm? That Is the Question (and Answer)

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Whether they are resident students or commuters, all Buffalo State students enjoy amenities and opportunities across campus designed to meet their needs.

If a student is looking for a traditional residence hall experience, Buffalo State offers unique and welcoming on-campus housing options for first-year students and upperclassmen, as well as learning communities and gender inclusive housing.

Students who choose the commuter path not only enjoy the flexibility and affordability of living off campus but can also tailor their own college experience by connecting to campus through academic or social clubs, by participating in or cheering on intercollegiate athletics teams, or simply by studying in their favorite corner of E. H. Butler Library.

We spoke with a student from each category to hear a few of their thoughts about living on campus and commuting.

Melique Young is a junior psychology major from Buffalo. He previously commuted but currently is the lead resident assistant (RA) in Porter Hall.

“I had many people my first year reach out to me saying that I should live on campus, even if just for one year, so that I could get the full college experience,” Young said. “This also was emphasized by my professors, advisers, and the resident assistants I met. I was told not just to live on campus but try to become an RA so that I could gain the experience of campus life while bettering myself as an individual.”

Ashlea Green is a junior criminal justice major from Williamsville, New York, and a member of the Buffalo State women’s soccer team. She chose to commute to save money.

“I live about 30 minutes away from campus, so it’s easier and cheaper to live at home,” Green said.

Green, who works two part-time jobs, also finds commuting each day gives her a greater sense of independence and flexibility.

“Commuting allows me to be in control of my life and do what I need to do,” she said.

Young, the former commuter, has found his transition to living on campus rewarding socially.

“My favorite part about living on campus is that there is always something to do and be a part of,” he said. “Now I enjoy all the programs and events because I’m on campus. I also like how living on campus allows you to be open and sociable to others as you are encouraged to talk to people and interact.”

Young has also found advantages academically.

“Being a residential student affects your studies advantageously because you are directly on campus where everything is,” he said. “Resident students have the luxury to go to their dorms after they are done with classes. They don’t have to worry about how long they are on campus. They can pull all-nighters in the library or access campus resources such as study groups and tutoring services. When I became a resident, I immediately noticed the difference because I was able to study more efficiently and saw better academic performance.”

To learn more about on-campus housing options and programing for resident students, check out the Residence Life website. Commuter students are encouraged to connect with Student Leadership and Engagement for commuter resources and events.

And, of course, all Bengals can stay up to date on student events, clubs, orgs, and more by connecting with Life at Buff State on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter!

Pictured: A student doing laundry in Bishop Hall.

Photo by Bruce Fox, campus photographer.