MVP Directors Trash Sexual Violence


Don McPherson, former NFL quarterback, and Jackson Katz, founder and director of MVP Strategies (a sexual violence prevention training program) will speak at Rockwell Hall at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, February 19. The program is free and open to the public.

McPherson and Katz, who together have appeared on the TV show Oprah, are each committed to reducing such violence, in part by challenging the mindset that minimizes it.

McPherson, a director with MVP strategies, is also Executive Director of the Sports Leadership Institute at Adelphi University. McPherson has been actively opposing, not just sexual violence, but the attitudes that tacitly support such violence, since retiring from professional football.

Both McPherson and Katz work with organizations such as professional sports team and the military to promote better understanding of the fundamental issues of sexual assault, including the responsibility to understand that “No” means no, regardless of circumstances.

The program, “Your Rights…Your Responsibilities: Sexual

Assault Awareness and Prevention” is sponsored by the Buffalo State College Campus Safety Forum.