A New Year…A New Business

While New Year’s resolutions around the country focus on diets and exercise, in Western New York, home of the chicken wing, the trendy resolution is starting a small business.

In January 2007, counselors at Buffalo State College’s Small Business Development Center (SBDC) experienced a 50 percent increase in initial visits with new clients over December 2006.

“The common mentality is, A New Year…A New Business,” said Susan McCartney, director of the SBDC at Buffalo State. “During the holidays, people have a chance to slow down and really evaluate what they want to do with their lives. With the start of a new year comes a new hope for financial success.”

The long hours and large amounts of money spent in malls and department stores during the peak shopping season not only spur thoughts of frustration and angst, but also can generate innovative ideas with potential entrepreneurs. While restaurant and food service are the most popular small-business ideas throughout the year, retail tends to be the trendy idea after the holiday season, according to McCartney.

“Although many New Year’s resolutions fail, it is our job to ensure that our clients’ goals are realized,” McCartney said.

First-time entrepreneurs aren’t the only ones making business-related resolutions. SBDC counselors also see a dramatic increase in the number of former clients returning for advice during the months of January and February.

After the busy holiday season, many business owners evaluate their performance and set goals either to increase profits or to expand their operations in the following year.

“A lot of our former clients come to us in need of a tune-up after the holidays,” McCartney said.

About the Buffalo State College Small Business Development Center
The Buffalo State College Small Business Development Center specializes in providing direct one-to-one counseling, at no charge, to small businesses and offers training and instructional programs targeted to the needs and interests of small-business owners. Since 1984, the expert advisers at the Buffalo State SBDC have worked directly with 16,000 businesses, helping to invest $155 million into the area's economy, which has created or saved 9,000 jobs.
Media Contact:
Jerod Dahlgren, Public Relations Staff Writer | 7168785569 | dahlgrjt@buffalostate.edu