
See, Hear, Read, and Watch the Works of John Harris

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For some, choosing which interests to pursue can be a difficult decision. For John Harris, a senior anthropology and jewelry major, the solution is simple: pursue them all.

On Thursday, April 5, at 6:00 p.m. in the Dr. Margaret Eschner Bacon Student Gallery, Harris will host a reception for his multi-faceted senior seminar event, Casting Culture. Part art exhibition, part book release, and part performance, Casting Culture showcases the wide range of Harris’s skills and interests.

In the gallery from April 2 to April 6, Harris has more than 20 functional pieces of metal artwork that he’s created over the past four years. Also on display is his newly published book, The True Survivors, a fictional ethnography, which his artwork is based on.

At 7:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. on April 5, performances directed by Harris will take place in the Upton Quad. The performances will be based on life, death, and rebirth, the recurring themes in his book.

“I’ve spent a lot of time thinking of ways to make my show the best it can be,” Harris said.  “I want to set the bar for future student exhibitions in this gallery, and I want to graduate knowing I left my mark at Buffalo State.”

His time spent thinking has certainly paid off. Everything in Harris’s show has been meticulously considered and executed. The pedestals for his art were designed and built to resemble archeologists’ sifters. His performances will take place on a stage that is strategically positioned to be viewable from the gallery. Harris has also installed speakers so that the audience can hear the performances in the gallery, as well.

“Everything for this event has been built from the ground up,” Harris said. In addition to creating the artwork, writing the book, and directing the performances, he also wrote and recorded the music for the performances, designed the costumes, and built the stage.

Casting Culture is a cohesive blend of Harris’s two fields of study: anthropology and metals. The show incorporates his talents as a jewelry designer, sculptor, director, author, anthropologist, costume designer, and musician. The only problem that remains is how to fit all of that onto a business card.

For more information about John Harris’s work, visit JPHii.com.