
Student Election Applications Available

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Some people are born leaders, while others develop the quality through experience and practice. United Students Government (USG) is a great place for all students to develop leadership skills. Applications for the 2014–2015 student elections are now available.

Student elections fill open seats within USG and student positions in other campus organizations. The application period is open February 14 to 28 and polling is scheduled for March 31 to April 3.

Open USG positions include president, vice president, and treasurer as well as four administrative vice president positions and 40 senator seats. Any Buffalo State undergraduate student can run for office, though there are GPA requirements for the positions.

Here's your chance to get involved and make a difference at Buffalo State!

Visit to complete the online applications (log in required).

For more information, contact Sarah Velez, election committee chair and director of the Campbell Student Union.