
Students: Don’t Forget to Vote!

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Beginning Monday, April 2, Buffalo State students will have their first opportunity to vote online for their representatives to United Students Government.

All enrolled students are invited to go to Bengal Connect, click on USG elections, log on using their student username and password, and vote. Voting will be open 24 hours a day from Monday, April 2, through Wednesday, April 4, and from midnight until 3:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 5.

“Online voting is more efficient,” said Lynn Korn, USG program coordinator. “The vote is secure and confidential, and the system automatically knows if you are eligible to vote.” Considering all the construction going on in the Student Union, Korn pointed out that the online voting ensures that all students have an opportunity to take part in these elections.

Candidates are running for the positions of USG president, USG treasurer, USG vice president for communication, and USG vice president for student life. USG senator positions are also open. “Only undergraduates can vote for these positions,” Korn noted.

Both undergraduate and graduate students can vote for members of the auxiliary services advisory committee, the college council representative, representatives to the Buffalo State College Senate, and representatives to the SUNY Student Assembly as voting delegates for Buffalo State.

Candidates for these positions have had the opportunity to post their platform and photos. These will be available when voting begins on April 2.