Wegmans Career Showcase and Cooking Demo, Tuesday, March 16

Culinary expert Jason Bielinski, executive chef of Wegmans Amherst Street location, demonstrates cooking techniques and highlights a career showcase for hospitality and tourism students, Tuesday, March 16, at 3:30 p.m. in E. H. Butler Library 210.

Since 2005, Wegmans and Buffalo State’s Hospitality and Tourism Department have partnered to bring working professionals into the teaching lab. Bielinski will be joined by Sandy Berst, Buffalo central recruiter for Wegmans, and Buffalo State faculty.

Hospitality student Taryn Moskal, a part-time employee at Wegmans who was granted a management internship last summer, will share her perspective on working with the company. After her internship experience, Moskal was recently accepted into Wegmans’s Culinary Management Training program.

A complimentary whole foods refreshments table will be presented by the Hospitality and Tourism Department.

This event is free and open to the campus community. R.S.V.P. to danieldl@buffalostate.edu to reserve your spot.
Media Contact:
Mark Norris, Associate Director of Web Administration | 7168784859 | norrisma1@buffalostate.edu